Business or Group Name:
Contact Person:
Person Responsible for Payment:
Phone #:
Fax #:
Time of Arrival:
Time of Departure:
Lecture Desired ($20 per person): (Requires 3 week advance booking and $10 per person deposit)
Craft Project Selection ($30 per person): (Requires 3 week advance booking and 50% deposit)
Will you be using the dining area/meeting room for a private party or meeting? Choose One: No Yes If yes, charge is $65.00 for 3 hours. Additional time, beyond 3 hours, must be agreed upon before event.
Initial number of guests, given day of booking event. (A guaranteed count must be given 5 days prior to event. This number may increase up to 24 hours before your event but may not decrease. You will be charged for the guaranteed number even if your group is less the day of event. You may call or e-mail this information.)